Why you feel stuck (and why it's not your fault)
Ever feel like you're running full-speed toward success, only to smack face-first into an invisible glass wall?
Yeah, me too.
It turns out that wall isn't real - it's just a sneaky construct of outdated beliefs, societal conditioning, and fear-based nonsense designed to keep you playing small.
The good news? You can break through it.
The bad news? You might get a bit of metaphorical glass in your hair. But hey, what's a little mess when you're about to shatter some serious limitations?
The inherited beliefs holding you back
Let's start by identifying the silent scripts running in your mind. These beliefs can come from anywhere: parents, teachers, culture, and past experiences. You may also have seen things on TV or heard things in songs or on the radio.
Here are a few that you may have going round your head:
"Success means working hard all the time." (Congrats, you've won a lifetime supply of burnout!)
"Making money requires struggle." (Ah, yes, because thriving must be painful, right?)
"I'm not the type of person who gets ahead." (Did some invisible board of directors vote on this?)
These beliefs influence how we take action - or don't.
If deep down you believe making money has to be hard, you'll resist easeful opportunities.
If you think success only comes to a select few, you'll find ways to self-sabotage the moment things start to go well.
Where do these limiting beliefs come from?
We absorb messaging about work and success from childhood. If you grew up hearing that money is scarce, that business is risky, or that you need to "stay in your lane," those thoughts are shaping how you approach your career now.
The problem? These beliefs don't serve you. They create an invisible ceiling that keeps you from taking the bold actions needed to step into your full potential.
But just because you inherited these beliefs doesn't mean you must keep them.
Breaking free: rewriting the rules of success
Success isn't a secret handshake club. It's personal, fluid, and, most importantly, self-defined.
Here's how you start smashing through the invisible ceiling:
Identify your limiting beliefs
It's time to play detective. Grab a journal and ask yourself:
What did I learn about success growing up?
What do I currently believe about making money and growing my business?
Which of these beliefs feel like they belong in the Museum of Outdated Thinking?
Being aware of these patterns is the first step in tearing the crappy self-talk down.
Reframe the narrative
Once you identify limiting beliefs, rewrite them into affirmations that support you. For example:
Instead of "Success requires endless hustle," try "Success comes from alignment and smart action."
Instead of "I don't deserve big opportunities," try "I am competent and ready for the next level."
Your beliefs dictate your results. If you shift the way you think, your actions will follow.
Take bold, aligned action
Fear is a sneaky little gremlin that loves to keep you inside your comfort zone. It whispers, "But what if you fail?" or "Let's just stay right here, where it’s safe."
Your comfort zone is a lovely place for a nap, not for running a thriving business.
The only way to prove to yourself that you can break the ceiling is by taking imperfect, messy, but decisive action.
Apply for the opportunity you think you're "not ready" for. (Spoiler: you are. You've been ready, but that pesky gremlin keeps distracting you with self-doubt.)
Raise your rates because your expertise is valuable. (Also, your dog has an expensive taste in treats, and let's be honest: You deserve luxury coffee, not the sad instant kind.)
Start the project you've procrastinated on because you're waiting for "the perfect time." (The perfect time doesn't exist, but your future success does.)
Say no to clients or tasks that drain you. (If you feel a deep sigh of relief just thinking about this, take it as a sign.)
Put yourself out there in a bigger way. Whether it's a bold marketing move, a new service, or finally posting that video you've been overthinking - do it now.
A small, bold step today leads to massive shifts in the future.
The more you break the rules of what you "should" do, the easier it becomes to redefine success in a way that works for you.
So, what's your bold move this week? Pick one and commit to it. Your future self is already cheering for you (probably with a cocktail in hand).
A new definition of success
Imagine waking up every day knowing that success isn't something you have to chase - it's something you create.
What does that version of success look like for you?
Write it down.
Visualise it.
Speak it out loud.
Success isn't just about hitting financial goals - it's about how you feel while building your business.
Does your current definition of success bring you joy, or does it feel exhausting?
Permit yourself to rewrite the rules.
Success doesn't have to involve grinding away in the background while others "get ahead." It can include spaciousness, creativity, and financial ease.
The invisible ceiling only exists if you believe in it. Once you decide to break free, nothing can stop you.
What's next?

If this post hits home, you'll love Manifestor Magic - my brand-new 52-week email series. Written by a Manifestor (me!), it's packed with personal stories turned into powerful business lessons.
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This week, I challenge you to take one bold step outside your comfort zone. Whether you send that email, launch that offer, or change your thoughts, start proving that you are more significant than the stories holding you back.
Leave a comment and tell me: What's one limiting belief you're smashing this month? Let's tear down those ceilings together (and maybe celebrate with cake).