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What's a knock on effect of the work that you do?

Writer's picture: Jo DraperJo Draper
“Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one.” - Pocahontas

In this blog, let’s have a chat about the knock on effects of the work that you do.

We will look at:

  1. What is a knock on effect?;

  2. How this impacts your business and your DREAM clients;

  3. Why it’s important that we are always improving.

What is a knock on effect?

I asked my husband, Paul, what he thought a knock on effect is. He doesn’t have a business - he works for Australia Post (he’s actually been a postie for the majority of his life and has recently hit 10 years’ service with AusPost!).

Here’s what Paul said:

A knock on effect is the possible repercussions of a decision or a choice I have made.

It can also make people think, show up weaknesses of their business but it can also help them emphasise their points which will bring in more work from them.

Do you agree?

This certainly wasn’t my view on it but it makes sense and I love and value his opinion always (both in my personal life and business - though occasionally I tell him he’s being negative hahahaha).

Jo’s version of a knock on effect

A knock on effect for me is that the graphics I create or the tutorials, digital products, courses and memberships I create help someone else in their business. This means that they have products to sell, graphics to promote their services, they can get along with the tech (yes, that’s you my ‘not-so-techy’ friend!) and do not need to rely on someone else to do it for them.

Here’s another example:

I deleted an old Google Workspace account for Live Virtually as I don’t want to be paying for two as I now have Jo Draper.

As a consequence of this, I had to move a lot of documents etc from one account to another. Unfortunately, some of those did not transfer over and got deleted when the account was stopped.

My good friend, Michelle, emailed me the next day to let me know that her email signature had stopped working. Mine had too!

The knock on effect here was that my clients who hadn’t made a copy of their Google Doc with their email signature lost their email signature.

I have since fixed hers and another client (and good friend), Phoebe as well as my own.

You never know what the knock on effect could be.

How this impacts your business and your DREAM clients

My example above is one way that it can impact your business and your DREAM clients.

Let’s look at the positive ways first of all (I’m definitely a refillable glass sort of woman!).

Let’s say you are a virtual assistant who helps coaches with their inbox, their social media and their email marketing.

You may have set up loads of great filters and folders in their inbox with tags to things that she has to look after.

How much time do you think this saves your client? Ask her - she’ll tell you it’s a lot!

With their social media, maybe you help with engagement in her Facebook group or look for new accounts on her Instagram.

If she had to do this herself, do you think she would do it? If she did, she’s spending time on that instead of her money generating activities at whatever her hourly rate or project rate is. That could add up to a lot of money and/or time.

You check her email marketing bounce rate, unsubscribes etc on a weekly basis. You are potentially saving her money by ensuring she is only paying for subscribers who actually want to be on her list.

Let’s look at the glass half empty side

We can use the same examples that I’ve given above.

If you accidentally delete or move an email and it doesn’t get flagged, what then?

Perhaps it was a potential DREAM client and she doesn’t get to see it? Maybe she loses out on that opportunity and it could have been for lots of $$$.

Perhaps it was a bill that she needs to pay and she gets a fine for not paying it on time.

What if you leave a comment when engaging on her social media and it’s taken out of context and she is accused of something? People can be downright nasty about seemingly innocent comments.

What if you don’t check her emails and her email that she took an hour to write didn’t get sent because her email marketing platform has disconnected?

Why it’s important that we are always improving

If we think about the next logical step in what we are doing, we can forward think or predict what the knock on effect will be of our actions.

Let’s take what Paul said:

“A knock on effect is the possible repercussions of a decision or a choice I have made.”

Next time you are working with a client (or even on your business), think about the events that could happen.

Have you ever watched Sliding Doors? It’s a great movie and a different way of thinking about what would happen if a slightly different decision was made.

Our DREAM clients are important to us, right? I agree but so is YOUR business and so are YOU.

If we start with ourselves and think about how we can impact ourselves based on our decisions, this will have a knock on effect on how we work with our DREAM clients and also how we correspond with others around us.

What’s your thoughts on this? I would love to hear them.

What my clients say about working with me

"Jo has been my go-to and life saver multiple times over the last 18 months. Not only is she a truly caring person, she is also the one to get anything done ASAP. When she doesn't know something, she will find out in no-time. I am so impressed by her self-teaching approach and simple DOING what needs to be done. She has taken many things off my plate and I consider her a key asset in my businesses. I highly recommend Jo to anyone who needs a smart and dedicated lady on the team. Book in a chat with her, you won't regret it!"
- Marlie Jolanda, Meaningful Marketing and Business Coach and Founder of Secret SisinBiz Society

Meet your magical Trainer for the 'Not-So-Techy'

Jo Draper is a Gold Coast based Canva Designer and Trainer who specialises in supporting her 'not-so-techy' friends.

She is a creative business owner who brings her inner child to work every day and always has a hint of fun and magic in her day and work.

Jo loves serving business owners on a journey to hit six and seven figures with her 1:1 services as well as courses, workshops and digital products.

Jo shares her knowledge of Canva as well as other tools that she loves for CRM, email marketing and other business systems.

You will usually find a Disney quote in her blog posts as she is quite a fan and loves to create magic from some amazing quotes.

When she is not working, she enjoys Disney and Marvel movies, loves chocolate and listens to audiobooks while walking.

Jo also hosts a podcast called Beautiful Conversations with Jo where she chats about her journey with breast cancer as well as other personal stuff. Check it out here.

Interested in learning how to get started with your Canva designs? Check out Jo's Studio and let her help you create your own fun and magic!

Want to work with me?

If you are a new(er) business owner and you need some help with your graphics and documents, I’ve got you covered.

My design services are all based on YOU and what YOU need. The templates and graphics I create for you can be used over and over again. I even provide a personalised video showing you how to use everything I have made for you.

Maybe you need some social media templates? What about an ebook? Struggling to create a workbook? Do you need email marketing headers and footers?

Whatever it is that you need for YOUR business, let me help. I provide bespoke quotes based on what you need and your budget.

Check out my portfolio page HERE and see what I have created for my other DREAM clients and then head to the contact page HERE and let’s have a chat.


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